Malang Post Office

Malang Post Office
Malang post office is established on 26th September 1978 based on UU no. 6 TH.1984, about company an incorporated. It was located on merdeka selatan street no.5, north of town square and near by Pelangi hotel. Malang post office was established on land for about 6000 m2 large with measure of building 4000 m and 186 worker. Malang post office legalized be incorporated/company on June 1995, exchange from "Perum Pos & Giro".
Malang post office is the biggest and the best one of post outlets in Indonesia with strategic location, that is in center of town, in economical is potential able to competitive advantage. Malang post office is also supported by many outlets in every place in Malang city in which there is 38 post offices.
versi bahasa Indonesia
Kantor Pos Besar
Kantor Pos Besar Malang adalah yang terbesar di Kota Malang. Berdiri pada tanggal 26 Agustus 1978 sesuai dengan UU No 6 tahun 1984. Berdiri di atas tanah dengan luas keseluruhan sebesar 4000 m2. Kantor Pos Besar Malang ini termasuk Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang memiliki beberapa fungsi diantaranya, melayani masyarakat di bidang jasa pengiriman surat-surat dan hantaran barang. Kantor Pos Besar Malang memiliki 182 pekerja dan dibagi dalam 2 shift. Lokasi dari Kantor Pos ini sangat mudah dijangkau dari segala arah karena terletak di pusat kota di Jalan Merdeka Selatan dan tepat di depannya adalah Alun-Alun Kota Malang.